
Hi! I'm Katie D. McMillan

I work with women-led healthcare companies and offer research, writing, and product strategy through my company Well Made Health, LLC. The Evidence Edit is my monthly newsletter examining the intersection of women's health + science + technology.

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Let's talk about S*X and Technology on Valentine's Day

Welcome to the 2nd Issue of the Evidence Edit! This month I’m talking about health benefits of sex and orgasm as well as interesting evidence-based sex technology. I’ll be covering products and the studies I can find related to their efficacy. At the end of January, the New York Times interviewed Dr. Rebecca Rubin, Urologist and Sexual Health Specialist. She stated: *Slow clap* I’ve often mentioned to others in the digital health world that in order to make access to FemTech and MedTech more...

Welcome to the Inaugural Issue of the Evidence Edit! The topic for January is: What do I mean by evidence in digital health and why does it matter? For years I have been researching the emerging Women’s Health Innovation + FemTech market (aka health technology addressing biologically female healthcare needs.) In 2019 I gave a presentation to the Duke Department of OB-GYN on FemTech. Among the faculty there was a lot of interest in new tech for their patients, but it was paired with raised...